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近日对我国著名电子光学和光电子成像专家周立伟院士进行了访谈。访谈中,周院士首先分享了自己学习英语和俄语的经历,强调了自主学习能力的重要性;其次,周院士详细论述了外语教学,尤其是英语教学的必要性,指出英语能力与科学研究紧密相关,英语教学不可或缺;之后周院士分析了研究生在英语学习和科学研究方面存在的问题,并讨论了大学中开设人文课程的迫切性;最后,周院士对上理工师生提出了建议与期望。  相似文献   
社会组织领域的政治关联现象日益显著,但政治关联究竟如何影响社会组织有效性,其隐藏的作用机制又是什么?这是学术界尚未明晰的重要课题。针对254家社会组织的问卷调查发现,社会组织政治关联会正向影响组织有效性,这一关系受到组织自主性的中介作用影响。更进一步的研究显示,制度支持能调节上述中介关系。具体而言,当制度支持水平较高时,这一效应将会增强;当制度支持水平较低时,政治关联通过组织自主性间接影响组织有效性的效应就会减弱。这一发现,一方面增进了我们对社会组织政治关联的理解,另一方面也为提升社会组织有效性的理论和实践提供了重要启示。  相似文献   

Research involving children, deemed to have difficulties with conventional means of communication, can perpetuate reductive forms of representation of children’s knowledges and experiences. This article focuses on the possibilities and opportunities that visual and creative methods can offer to researching with children. Children advance their views in and through spontaneous and concrete forms of participation. Autonomy in aesthetic acts is central to this methodology; to explore practices that produce and reproduce presuppositions deriving from societal attitudes affecting research with children, their agency and self-presentation. This cross-cultural study was conducted in Central Italy and North West England: children contributed their perspectives and experiences through participation in a series of creative encounters resulting in aesthetic and embodied outcomes of sociological and educational significance. The study contributes to the debate on children’s autonomy and the value and quality of participation through artistic practice. Examples from the corpus of data, which includes a series of artefacts and over 900 photographs from each geo-cultural context, are presented. The study shows that it is possible to harmonise power imbalances in spaces of creative freedom, in research and education, where children’s choices and agency are respected.  相似文献   
The landscape of political humor and satire is changing rapidly, and it is becoming an increasingly relevant aspect of our culture. Although scholars have been actively trying to capture this change, majority of the existing frameworks for understanding humor and satire in politics still reduce these phenomena to mere genres or rhetoric tools. In addition, they provide insufficient accounts concerning the reception of humor and satire, and neglect to interpret and explain what they communicate. In the article, a general understanding of humor and satire outside of a political context, followed by an overview of studies discussing humor and satire in politics through their applications in social movements, as leadership tools, and through their manifestations in mass media has been presented. Lastly, a cultural sociological perspective to the field has been introduced. It has been argued that approaching humor and satire in politics through a structural hermeneutic method of the Strong Program will enable us to recognize and treat political humor and satire as autonomous and complex cultural systems which carry an internal power to move people.  相似文献   
随着电子商务的蓬勃发展,“通知—删除”规则在有效制止电子商务专利侵权中具有重要作用。我国在21世纪初引进“通知—删除”规则,逐步构建了适用于电子商务领域专利侵权的“通知—删除”规则。《民法典》正式施行以来,“通知—删除”规则在适用于电子商务专利侵权中暴露出诸多问题:存在规则滥用隐患,权利人与商家利益失衡,通知与反通知的审核标准难以一致,因错误通知造成商家损失难以恢复,等等。解决好这些问题,需从专利侵权的特殊性出发,贴合《民法典》第1195条的规定,遵循“通知—删除”规则的立法目的进行解释适用;应重视和探索电子商务平台的自治能力,推动“通知—删除”规则在电子商务专利侵权中的解释适用。  相似文献   
教师教学自主是教师在课堂教学活动中的自主。它包括两部分:自由与责任。其中,自由是指教师作为教学主体理应拥有教学自主权,是外在的自主,它要求教师应享有教学自由、不受外力干涉;责任则表现为教师教学的自主性,是内在的自主,它要求教师应具有自主教学的能动性与主动性。本文结合当前教师专业发展与课堂教学现状,对教师教学自主的内涵、影响因素以及实现路径进行了探讨。  相似文献   
While many previous studies have identified a positive relationship between teachers unions and student achievement on standardized tests, little research to date has explored the channels through which unions might actually affect achievement. Utilizing multilevel random intercept models, we examine the effects of two categories of items commonly negotiated in teacher contracts—“industrial union” items and “professional union” items—on individual student math scores. Further, we assess the ability of these two clusters of variables to explain the positive union effect found in previous research. The results confirm that teachers unions are positively associated with student achievement and suggest that the industrial model explains moderately more of the union effect than the professional model; however, only the combination of both models is capable of reducing the union effect to nonsignificance. These findings are also confirmed in a supplemental analysis utilizing instrumental variables to account for the possibility of endogeneity. Finally, a decomposition of the union effect suggests that teachers unions are most beneficial to middle‐ and high‐achieving students. We conclude that through industrial and professional bargaining, teachers are able to secure higher salaries, credentialing, and greater autonomy which lead to improved student achievement.  相似文献   

The study primarily answers the question that whether the movement of Sikh ethnonationalism had been defeated permanently during 1990s or whether it still persists? The study perceives that the movement of Sikh ethnonationalism cannot end till the core pivotal ethnic issues, the moving force of the movement are prevailing. The study eventually predicts that the movement will sooner or later rejuvenate from its previous stage, i.e. militancy, as the sociopolitical circumstances of Punjab have been nourishing microclimate for resurgence of the same. In typical political scenario, the moderate outfit of Sikhs is eager to stimulate the ethnic-regional issues of the Sikhs while the radical factions are also observant to ignite the clinkering Sikh ethnic issues once again. Contrarily, the political aspirations of the BJP controlled by the RSS are opposite to the ethno-political demands of the Sikhs. This contradiction, if aroused systematically, has the potential to rekindle the old spark of militant movement.  相似文献   
20世纪20年代末,“辞官”回乡的河南镇平人彭禹廷,“以剿匪救民为职志”。他从剿匪救民生涯中深切地感受到,即使剿灭匪患,尚不能“救穷”致富,不能抵御“匪式军队”、贪官污吏的压迫。所以,为实现积极的人生观,而“上下求索”“治本之方法”———以孙中山的“为人民求幸福的”“三民主义”为理论基础,创立了“自卫、自治、自富”“三自主义”理论。并在“三自主义”理论的指导下,掀起了历时十余年的宛西自治,使宛西自治区域成为被世人称颂的“世外桃源”、“自治天堂”。  相似文献   
根据国际私法的传统理论,当事人选择的准据法只能是国内法.但随着国际经济贸易交往的日益发展,国际贸易惯例的作用越来越大.作为非国内法的国际贸易惯例能否成为当事人选择的准据法,便成为国际私法学界争论的焦点.文章在解析国际贸易惯例的基础上,对当事人是否可以选择国际贸易惯例作为准据法,从国际私法理论的发展及国际贸易惯例的完善两方面进行了论证,并以各国的实践为佐证,分析了国际贸易惯例可以作为当事人选择的准据法的可行性.  相似文献   
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